There is a pile of babies in my bed. Well, a baby and a toddler. They're spread out and so comfortable that I don't even have room to get into bed. My 1 year old daughter is snuggled up to my husband. She's right under his arm, where she's slept since she was 2 weeks old. My son is spread across his feet, he slept in a crib until he was 15 months old, and then decided to join us in bed. This is an issue that will cause debate and arguments. Luckily, we had a doctor who believed in co-sleeping. As long as its done as safe as possible. No comforters at night, one pillow each, using the "H" position. Now that she's over a year, we feel more comfortable with a comforter and pillows.
They're restless some nights, other nights they sleep soundly. I find myself waking up in a pile of the ones I love, cherishing ever moment of this. When they're older they'll sleep in their own beds (which are more just a decoration at the moment) and I'll miss these days. Its such a gift to have them snuggled so closely, knowing how wonderful it must be for them to feel that safe.
There are nights they drive me crazy. There are nights I fantasize about them sleeping in their own beds. But for the most part, I love this and wish these days would stop going by so quickly...